Deep Cleaning Services

COVID-19 Deep Cleaning Service

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With the global spread of the Coronavirus, everybody has started to become more and more vigilant about the need to disinfect to prevent further spread of the virus.

It has become essential that every workplace has effective measures in place to protect their staff and visitors alike. Every employer will now need to increase health and safety methods to ensure all employees are working in an infectious free zone, by using infectious disease control methods. To protect your staff and working environment you will need a specialist decontamination deep clean. Our Covid-19 Decontamination deep cleaning service is your only solution to ensuring all surfaces, touch points, equipment, furniture, etc. are all thoroughly sanitised and we not only understand the importance of this, but will adhere to this.

Our COVID-19 Deep Cleaning Service is comprehensive. We understand the importance of sanitising all surfaces, touch points, floors, any equipment and furniture thoroughly.

Our professional deep cleaning staff use a tried and tested Electrostatic spray surface cleaning solution, which is a process of spraying electrostatically charged chemical
particles that distributes a chemical mist onto surfaces and objects. The electrostatic spray uses a specialised solution that is combined with air and atomised by an
electrode inside the sprayer. Subsequently, the spray contains positively charged particles that are able to aggressively cling to surfaces and objects and because the
particles are positively charged, they cling to and coat any surface they are applied to.

Why use our Electrostatic Zoono Cleaning Service?

With the use of the product called Zoono we will treat all exposed surfaces within the vicinity. Treatment can be applied within all accommodation types, offices, meeting rooms, kitchens and toilets offering a 30-day protection from viruses and harmful bacteria. Work stations will be the main focus within an office environment so these should be cleared to primary surfaces. The product dispenses a fine mist, 40 microns, from a distance of 2 metres so electrical equipment can be treated, however it is advised that these are powered down. Gravity will mean that floor areas are treated as a result of treatment but are not focused upon, contact points within reach will be the core focus so treatment will not be applied above 2 metres.

Application Method

The product will be dispensed through either a hand held or back pack electrostatic sprayer as a fine mist/fog. The product leaves the nozzle as a positively charged spray which is attracted to negatively charged items to ensure full coverage around all exposed items.

The Effect

Following treatment exposed surfaces that have been coated will have protection for 30 days. This means that airborne pathogens that land on these surfaces will be killed thus eliminating the spread of the virus via occupants touching an infected surface. However, treatments will not stop direct human to human transfer via airborne respiratory droplets.

Advantages of the Electrostatic Zoono Cleaning Service

  • Zoono offers unparalleled protection lasting 30 days on surfaces and 24 hours on hands- despite vigorous washing
  • Zoono offers a unique and innovative treatment to prevent the spread the germs, bacteria and viruses within the workplace.
  • Protects staff, customers and facilities against the effect of harmful bacteria and viruses.
  • Throughout the 30-day period it continually kills germs, bacteria and viruses reducing the spread of pathogens within facilities.

What is Zoono?

  • Zoono first to create a stable water-based product.
  • Active ingredient originally invented in the 1930’s.
  • Safe, nontoxic, non-hazardous.
  • LD50 similar to Vitamin C.
  • Global approvals.
  • FDA/EPA approved.
  • UK Poison Centre registrations, no requirement to COPR registration.
  • Please read SAFETY DATA SHEET
Deep Cleaning Service Covid 19 Hygieneco Washrooms

Get in Touch Today

  • Please contact our Help Desk today by telephone 01268 726675 or by CONTACT FORM. Our team will answer any queries you may have
  • We will then recommend a bespoke infection cleaning service
  • We will arrange a suitable time for a site and risk inspection and cleaning works to be carried out
  • The only inconvenience to you is a 3 hour exclusion period whereby no-one can enter the vicinity after the
    treatment has been carried out.

Our Commitment to The Planet

We know that lots of companies are becoming greener in their outlook. Here at Hygieneco Washrooms, we work with manufacturers who have an eco-friendly mindset, allowing us to establish a green supply chain of materials. We also try to keep harmful emissions to a minimum. So, you can work with us with a clean conscience.

COVID-19 Deep Cleaning Service